We are currently recruiting for new directors to join Kingston First’s voluntary board.
We are looking for people who are passionate and knowledgeable about supporting Kingston town centre and its organisations and businesses.
Being a Kingston First director is a great opportunity to be part of a small dedicated team to shape our work and make a difference in Kingston, alongside developing your leadership skills and experience.
We’re particularly looking for senior professional skills and experience in the areas outlined below:
- Security and business resilience service delivery or planning
- Legal, finance or risk management expertise
- Not-for-profit and charitable leadership
We are committed to ensuring our board reflects the diversity of Kingston town centre, and we welcome and encourage applications from all backgrounds and particularly under-represented groups.
To apply or have an informal chat out more about the role contact our Chief Executive, Kirsten Henly, kirsten.henly@kingstonfirst.co.uk or 020 8547 1221. The deadline for applications following initial conversations is 9am, Friday 25th October.

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