Build your professional network, explore new partnerships, share ideas, or just make friends, at one of our networking events. Contact us to sign up for the next one.
Regular Networking events

Insight on the town centre
Get an insight into how Kingston is performing and changing over time, with our monthly reports into footfall, spend, vacancy rates and more, helping you to plan for the future. Contact us to sign up to our distribution list or for the most recent report.
Influencing and representing
From business rates and town centre safety, to environmental issues and traffic, we’re here to support you with any problem your business faces. Together, we’re an influential collective voice that ensures your needs are heard.
We present your ideas, lobby for your interests, and raise your concerns to the town’s decision-makers; so that Kingston is shaped by the businesses that help it thrive. Contact us to let us know how we can help your business.

Other sources of help and advice
London Business Hub – includes guides on managing cash flow, managing unpaid debts, and insurance cover, as well as links to external resources including:
Mayor of London Hub – support for Londoners who are struggling
Government Help for Households
Other resources that may be useful include:
Citizens Advice Kingston Toolkit
RBS support hub – business support and advice
StepChange – debt advice
CIPD – advice for supporting employees
Ofgem – for advice on energy